Kicking off in Midhurst on Sunday 29th
March will be ...a3crg’s first event of another busy season of Time Trials.
“Hurting on Harting”, well it is a 22.5 mile sporting circuit from Midhurst (A272) to Harting onto Lavant (and then returning to Midhurst A286). This West Sussex course crosses the South Downs Way in two places; Harting Hill and Cocking Down. The Event HQ is at the Grange Centre at Midhurst with all the facilities you would expect from a modern sports centre.
There are three “Open” categories:
Solo TT
2-up ttt
Road Bike i.e. no clip-ons, no disc or tri-spokes or pointy hat, just normal sportive spec.
Usual method of entry via the CTT Entry system or by post
Just to cover every base, there is a special CBA Cat. We are running a “Club” event on the day as well. Limited places will be available for those who are challenged making their mind up on the day, or who don’t belong to a CTT affiliated club or Team (no pre-entries).
The course may be a sporting circuit but we are not offering you farm tracks. The worse section is about a mile through Harting, a bit rough but no pot holes. After getting through the village it is lovely and smooth once you turn onto the hill and down to Lavant. Both the A272 and A286 are also in good condition.
“Hurting on Harting”, well it is a 22.5 mile sporting circuit from Midhurst (A272) to Harting onto Lavant (and then returning to Midhurst A286). This West Sussex course crosses the South Downs Way in two places; Harting Hill and Cocking Down. The Event HQ is at the Grange Centre at Midhurst with all the facilities you would expect from a modern sports centre.
There are three “Open” categories:
Solo TT
2-up ttt
Road Bike i.e. no clip-ons, no disc or tri-spokes or pointy hat, just normal sportive spec.
Usual method of entry via the CTT Entry system or by post
Just to cover every base, there is a special CBA Cat. We are running a “Club” event on the day as well. Limited places will be available for those who are challenged making their mind up on the day, or who don’t belong to a CTT affiliated club or Team (no pre-entries).
The course may be a sporting circuit but we are not offering you farm tracks. The worse section is about a mile through Harting, a bit rough but no pot holes. After getting through the village it is lovely and smooth once you turn onto the hill and down to Lavant. Both the A272 and A286 are also in good condition.